Friday, December 10, 2010

Artsy Fartsy Friday- Art with words

One of my favorite ways to express myself through art is by writing poetry. I love to translate my hearts meditations, questions, and reflection into a well crafted picture made up of words.  Most of my poetry is not rhyme-y rhyme-y. I think poems can sometimes get kinda cheesy if they try to rhythm all the least that is what happens when I try to rhythm a lot.

Here is a poem I wrote this semester. I thought it would be good to share as we are approaching Christmas, see the term "King of Kings" on Christmas cards and decorations, and sing "glory to the new born King."

The poem is about Christ as our King.
I wrote it around the time we saw Robin Hood, so I especially enjoyed watching the movie, imaging what life would be like under the rule of a king.  Kingship is something I don't think we as Americans can fully grasp. We have a president, different branches of government, and checks and balances in place. Being under the authority of one, would be a different world. What the king says goes. He has all power over you. The difference between a good and bad king would be highly more exaggerated than the difference we see in a good politician and a bad one. Evil and corrupt actions could be taken to a whole other level. I can imagine the people's hate and anger toward an evil king, and their love and affection toward a king who is good, wise, and just. How comforting is it to know that our King is good. When his kingdom comes to earth it will be perfect. Praise Jesus!

What does it mean to have you as my king?
How should it impress on my soul?

You are a righteous ruler 
Faithful and just
No child is left hungry 
All are feed
Your kingdom is magnificent
Your land is plentiful 
There is abundance
The evil do not prevail
Sin is defeated

Your people are full of health and joy
They run and do not grow weary
You are a good king
You welcome the child
You are a great king 
Revered by all
The saints bow at your feet
You have chosen the people of your kingdom 
Each is dear to your heart 
You know your people

Who is this king of glory?
Why did he choose to crown me as his child?


Melberry said...

Katy, this is beautiful poetry, rich with meaning, but personally significant, too. Thank you for sharing it, from the heart. Hugs.

Melberry said...

Katy, do you mind if I share your "King of Kings" artwords on my blog? Melanie

Unknown said...

Thanks! And I dont mind at all, Melanie :)