Monday, May 14, 2012

Eli at 14 Months!

Looking back at Eli's pictures from just 2 months ago, I can see so much growth in just the short time that has past. The baby in Eli is fading and he is becoming a full fledged toddler!

Likes: Eli loves to play ball, wether its tossing it back and forth, throwing and chasing after it by himself, or racing daddy to it!
Music, dancing to the music.
Walking with his walker outside. Playing in the backyard.
Coloring....his favorite part about coloring is changing out colors, and putting the crayons in and out of the box. When we color it is about 20% coloring and 80% switching colors, haha.
Building with legos.
Rocking cheek to cheek with Mommy, while singing.
Giving hugs.
Tickling mom and dad aka... attacking them like a little tiger with claws! Its painful, but we can't help but laugh because he thinks it is sooo funny!

Dislikes: Walking on his own! This boy refuses to walk on his own. He runs around with his walker, and pushes his car around the house, but when we try to get him to walk on his own, or even holding just one of our hands he is not for it! I guess he will come around to walking on his own time.

"Tricks": Eli has learned so many animal sounds and it is adorable when he does them. He knows what a cow, dog, cat, horse, duck, sheep, monkey, lion, snake, turkey, rooster, bear, elephant, and owl all say. He can also recognize and point out all of these animals plus more in his books. Eli can point out so many other things in his books when asked too! He can point out a star, the moon, body parts; ears, nose, eyes, cars, trucks, tractors, watch, hearts, hot air balloons, regular balloons, basketball, soccer ball, glasses, shoes, flowers, and the list could go on! He is just soaking up so much! He can also whistle!

Eating: Eli is somewhat of a picker eater right now. We think part of it is him learning he can voice a preference and make his own decision about whether he wants to eat something. One day he can chow down on something and the next he will spit it out like it is nasty. He is definitely done with baby food. He still drinks a bottle of whole milk in the morning with either cereal or eggs, just because he drinks more out of a bottle than he does out of his sippy cups. Other food he likes most of the time include applesauce, pb&j sandwiches, peanut butter crackers, green beans, chili, hamburger meat, beans, potatoes any kind of cookie/cracker (of corse) and anything off of mom and dad's plate! He goes back and forth on liking cheese, (except at the butcher shop cheese there it is always a staple!) lunch meat, rice, chicken, and toddler meals. He still is not a fruit eater...which makes me sad, maybe he will come to like it soon.

Talking: Eli tries hard to communicate, and thinks we should understand everything he is saying, but most of it is baby babble! However, there are words and phrases he is very good at saying: Hi, bye, bye, dada, ball, all done, there it is, I did it, I got it, dog, bath time, and thank you. He is so sweet with his thank yous, it is precious!

We love you Eli!
<3 Mommy

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