Friday, October 7, 2011

Eli- 7 months!

Wow! Another month has passed already! I can not believe it is October and Eli is seven months old, time is flying by!

This past month Eli has been chatting up a storm. I think he is going to be quite the talker like his daddy! Most of his talking is just baby chatter, but I do think he knows what he is trying to say sometimes.

Words I think he can say:
Daddy: Da da
Mama: Mmmmmaaa mmaa
All done: Ah Da

Eli understands the concept of greeting hello and saying good bye. He will wave sometimes. He loves to look at pictures of himself on the phone, camera, or computer. He especially loves to watch videos of himself. He gets a real big kick out of it...and so does everyone watching. He will talk to the video of himself, it is really funny.


Eli is still scooting around, not quite crawling yet....but he is getting more adventurous in his scooting, especially to find me! He is sitting like a champ! It is nice to be able to use the high chairs when we go out  to eat! Eli is starting to get his bottom 2 teeth in, and loves to chew on everything. He isn't fussy about it, he just likes to make a slobbery mess...especially if I am wearing a necklace, he love to munch on it! He is  absolutely loving eating baby food. He has liked everything we have given him. His favorite is carrots! Oh how he longs to eat big people food! When we are eating a meal he stares at our food with longing eyes, and makes a chewing motion with his mouth. One day we will share with you buddy!

Sitting like a pro, smiling through his passie!


Sweet smile!

Waking up to Uncle Caleb :)

Everyone loves you Eli! You are such a blessing to everyone around you. You are so happy, smiley, and sweet. We are so thankful for you and the all the joy you bring to our little family!

<3 mommy

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