Monday, September 26, 2011


About a week and a half ago, we took a little trip down to college station to see some of our favorite people in the world, the Feldmans. While getting gas before we left, I decided some snackies were needed for our fun road trip. I ask Myles what he would like, and like he does often, he responded with, "I don't care"...however, he soon added to that phrase, "surprise me, get me something I have never had before." For the average person that may not be a hard task, but Myles tries weird things all the time, so this was a challenge! I went inside and the challenge was on!

One item I was particularly drawn to because of its name... BIG HUNK! I thought it was hilarious, I had to get it for my own hunk of a man! Sure enough, the BIG HUNK was a big hit, and was totally new to Myles. Besides the fact that it was really hard to bite into and chew, it was actually pretty good. The taste reminded us of those little white peanut butter know with the black stripes on the wrapper. So if you are ever in the mood to try something new...and really chewy, give the BIG HUNK a try!

See, chewy...Trying to get it out of his teeth. lol.
What a HUNK!

Oh, I love life with him! He makes everything so fun!

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