Friday, June 3, 2011

Eli is 3 Months Old!

Yesterday, Eli turned 3 months old! 
He had a big day!

He helped supervise everyone painting,

Chewed on his fingers,

 Played with a fun quilt,


Played with mommy,

Chewed on his fingers some more, 

Laughed for the first time!!!!!! 

These past 3 months have been amazing with you Eli! You are such a sweet boy! You smile all the time and are a joy to everyone around you! You are growing so fast and it is fun to watch you learn to do new things. 

Right now you love to be in on the action. When we eat dinner you love to sit in Daddy's lap and watch everyone (while you are licking your lips). We think you are going to really enjoy eating big people food when the time comes! 

You aren't too keen on toys yet, you would rather be watching everyone to see what they are doing. And we have been doing a lot lately! Daddy graduated from nursing school a couple weeks ago (WHOOP!!!!!), and we pack up all the stuff in our tiny apartment in College Station and moved to Liberty CIty. You did great with your first move! 

You really love to look at art and out windows. You are a great sleeper, just as you have always been, and we are sooooo thankful for that! Also, you love to lick anything that comes close to your tongue, and you love to chew on your fingers and fists....and any other fingers that are offered to you (Daddy is always nice to share his fingers).

You try hard to scoot around and you do a pretty good job at it! You can roll over by getting your little feet under you and pushing off. Mommy and Daddy learned that you were quite good at doing this the hard way....yep you rolled off the ottoman! Oopsie! Thankfully you were just fine, it was pretty low to the ground and the carpet was a nice soft landing. Needless to say, no more napping on things you could roll off once you woke up! 

You laughed for the first time yesterday while we were playing and it was so cute! It was just a little giggle, but so precious! I called Daddy right away to come over and watch you laugh. So fun! Now we are constantly trying to get you to laugh again by tickling and playing with you. Every once and a while you will let a little laugh slip out. :)

We love you soo much little bug! We could not imagine life without you now! The past 3 months have flown by, yet it seems like you have been here forever! We love love love you!!!



Melberry said...

Katy, I loved reading your blog today. Eli is such a lucky little boy to have you and Myles as his Mommy and Daddy. You are truly blessed, and that spills out for all of us to see and enjoy. It was great to see you all the other night. Hugs...Melanie

Unknown said...

Thanks Melanie, it was a treat to get to see you too! :)