Saturday, November 5, 2011

8 Months!

Wow! Eli is 8 months now! I know I say the same thing every month, but I just can't believe how fast these months are going by. Only 4 more months and he will be a year old...that seems way to close.

This month Eli has been learning a lot! We have also been able to see his personality even more this past month and that has been so fun! He is quite the little ham. This month we think he has come to realize that he is pretty darn cute and knows how to turn the cuteness on, oh boy are we in trouble! He loves to laugh and will even laugh at himself. He makes the funniest expressions and is very friendly to everyone he sees. Lately he has been doing this nodding thing were he nods big and blinks at the same time. We are trying to figure out what he is trying to imitate or do. We aren't quite sure, but it is hilarious!!

Eli's first time to ride in the shopping cart!

Goofy little face!

Eli loves bath time! Here he is being silly!

I said, "Eli, say cheese!"
...and no joke, this is what he did!

I love bath time!
For some reason,
he thought he was pretty funny making this face.
He did it over and over, lol!
And there are even more pictures of him doing this,
Crazy hair, always a fun thing during bath time.

His chattering is still lots of babbling, sometimes he will get going and talk to you for a long time! I think the only words he has added to his vocab this month were "dog" and "bye, bye". He told his Aunt Lindsey, "bye, bye" the other day, as she was leaving, perfectly. It stopped us both in our tracks with our mouths wide open.

Eli's curiosity has taken off this past month!! He loves to army crawl around and explore the house. The boy can move pretty fast too! Eli has been challenging me to keep everything really clean! He tries to put every little thing in his mouth! He uses his little fingers to try to pick up the smallest things, even tiny pieces of dirt and dust. His eye-hand coordination is pretty impressive! He also tires to pick the freckles off our skin, lol.

Eli "helped" me find out that his cousin Madalynn
had left her barbie's necklace at our house.
Eli found it and tried to eat it.

Eli still hasn't cut any teeth, but they have to be on their way. I'm sure you know apples are good for helping kids loose teeth, but apparently they are good for teeth that are coming in too. Eli, LOVES to chew on apple slices. He is a little apple chompper. Even though he doesn't have a single tooth yet, he can bite an apple and chew it to little pieces. I think chewing makes him feel like big stuff! I have been amazed at his apple eating skills.

Eating his apple!

 As it has gotten a little cooler, we have enjoyed being able to let Eli wear his cute hats!!

Trying out his sock monkey hat!

Sporting his hat on the way to watch Lindsey
and the band at the Yamboree! He loved the bands!

At the church for worship practice!

Eli also learned to clap this month!

Eli and I watching the World Series,
waiting on Daddy to get home
Eli feel asleep while crying and trying to get out of bed. lol

I absolutely love being a mom. Especially to a little cutie. Every night as I am reflecting on the day, or telling Myles something I just can't believe how cute this little boy is becoming. He is such a blessing and complete joy. I love our times in the morning when Myles is off and Eli is wallering back and forth between us in bed, wanting to play and snuggle with both of us. Its probably my favorite time of the day. We love you sweet boy and our sooo thankful for you!

<3 Mommy!

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