Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Artsy Fartsy Valentine

With all the busyness of preparing for Eli and Myles being his last semester of nursing school (whoop!) I have not accomplished much on the crafty/ artistic front. My extra time has been spent on more re-organizing our tiny apartment for all the baby stuff that keeps flooding in.

It is seriously funny thinking of all the things we have in our one bedroom apartment. We have three pieces of furniture in our closet...I have no clue how Myles got our huge desk in there, but he did! We also have a dinning room table under our bed...we were running out of space in our apartment to walk, so we decided that we would simply do without a table for now. 

Anywaysss... though I have not done anything new, I still would love to share some of my old stuff!

Last Valentines Day I surprised Myles with a painting. He had no clue I had been working on something. It was really fun to have him be totally surprised.

I really enjoyed painting this piece. It was just fun. I played around with different techniques and ideas I had until I was happy with how it came together. Since I have no experience or background in painting, it was really good to experiment and learn a little by just doing.

I hope you all had a great Valentines Day!


the daily crumb said...

girl! love your blog and artsy fartsy skills! wow! do you have an etsy store? :) love your art!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I love your art as well, and your mad cake skills! I don't have a esty store, maybe one day I will... that would be fun :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, I just discovered your blog off of my mom's blog and I love it! I LOOOVEE those three paintings hanging behind Myles! You are awesome! Congrats on cute sweet baby Eli!!!